
Tuesday, January 30, 2007

f#@% the internet

Stupid blogger. I just spent an hour trying to get on this stupid f#@#'n thing because the power went out sometime today and it messed up everything on my computer for some strange reason, and I get home and everything's F'd up. god&$#$ I hate computers and I hate cell phones. My niece and nephew argue about the Razr phone cause they can get all this cool stuff on the Razr. Who gives a sh#t?! Make a friggin call! That's all you need. What the hell? I hate all the freaking latest upgrades. I don't have time for this sh#t. And I hate ipods, I don't need 5000 songs. I don't want to remember 5000 songs.
and I hate remembering passwords and reseting passwords cause the stupid freaking Google corporate takeover can't remember anything after two weeks and what the F%$# are Cookies on my computer. Don't call them cookies. I think of Keebler elves when I read the word 'cookies'. Stupid cutesy techno babble crap.

Goddamnit. I wasted my whole evening to this crap and I can't remember what I originally wanted to say

Sunday, January 21, 2007


Yes, that is Tom Baker aka The 4th Doctor as the villian in this Harryhausen movie. I love Harryhausen's movies, especially the Sinbad movies. I loved the monster battles. I remember always feeling sorry for the losing monster--because you can see its pain. Great work by Harryhausen
I think I'll be getting some of his movies on dvd since AMC & TCM doesn't play classic horror stuff that much anymore. It's a shame that Sci-Fi channel doesn't either. I wish they had a night of classic horror films like this or the original The Thing, or the Hammer films.

I wouldn't be surprised if there was another remake of these movies in the works --just hope Stephen Sommers isn't behind it. Hey Peter Jackson, you busy?

p.s. yes, Lori I am still behind on my review. Work is busy and my brain isn't in creative mode as much. But I am working on it.

p.p.s--News from home just in: My mom caused the fire extinguisher that was in my sister's kitchen to explode.

Sunday, January 14, 2007


Tuesday, January 09, 2007

The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny

Recommeneded by my friend at work. Wow.

original site:

Sunday, January 07, 2007

I feel the fever

At this point I don't really care how far the Eagles go. We had a great Christmas present when they beat the Cowboys and took down crazy T.O. that day.
My family's house was insane. I don't think anyone really remembered eating the roast dinner while the game was on in the next room.But actually it was a very fun night. A Christmas I won't forget.

and now today..

Eagles beat the Giants 23-20.
What an intense game. FOX didn't help when they showed the Giants congratulating themselves after they tied the score--I swear I thought some reporter was going to rush out and ask if they were going to Disneyland next. What the hell?
And then the sportscasters going on about Tiki Barber's retirement when it's still 5 minutes left of the game!
Way to stick it to me FOX.

So the field goal win at the end was perfect and I think I'll be ok for the rest of the season.

Matt Damon! Impersonating McConaughey...

Just came across this morning. Gave me a good laugh.

I have to say , McConaughey amuses me. Ever since his role in Reign of Fire. Where he shows up bald and beefy. Chewing his cigar and the scenes. "Hope I didn't interrupt your little soiree".
I feel the need to watch that again.
I forgot most of it, just McConaughey's line and Guy groaning when the movie was over. " Uuugh, that was awful"


Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Game on

So it looks like Indy 4 is officially back on, according to To quote Denis Leary..."this is gonna suck!"

Speaking of things that won't stay dead. Buffy season 8 will be in the form of comics and it will be out in March I think. Actually, I am curious to see this. It's the only Whedon show I followed all the way to the end--I even have the video game and it's taken me four years to reach the final level.
--[The Master just keeps kicking my ass and I have no health potions to stay alive. bastard.]

So I might as well continue on with Buffy & co, but I'm not much of comic book reader. I was disappointed in its last two seasons, and I'm hoping that Whedon will put some much needed attention on the show that that started it all, since he was focusing his time on Firely during Buffy's last years.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year

I had a nice visit back home. Dealt with puppy poop, enjoyed the Eagles winning streak, and went to see The Phantom of the Opera with my nieces at the Forrest Theater. [ by the way, Edward Scissorhands is being made into a musical.]

I didn't get a chance to see any movies , but I did buy some dvds. So no new movies to talk about on this post, but I got something else that will amuse you for the time being.

The other night as I was getting my stuff back into my suitcase, my brother-in-law took me down to the basement and we went through some old junk that's been sitting in their storeroom for years. Some of it was mine so he wanted me to tell him what was ok to throw out. One of the things we found was my sketchbook that goes back to the early 80's. Here's one drawing I will allow my friends to see. The other stuff was just too damn embarrassing. The following picture is embarrassing as well, but it does make some sense to me.
I think I can date it to 1982, when Taco's "Puttin on the Ritz" was a hit and it looks like it was my favorite song at the time. I guess drawing a tall Siamese cat in a tuxedo singing and dancing to the song seemed like a cool idea.The slinky Siamese was the right choice. Glad I didn't go with the fluffy Persian [ at the top right]. I also had trouble drawing the clef.

good grief...