another review

We took the kids to the theaters to see this one. I couldn't convince them to see Frost/Nixon, "It'll be fun! Doesn't Nixon have a funny voice? You'll love it".
Anyway, I would suggest wait for the rental on Bedtime Stories, and rent it only if you remember that it's available. It really is harmless and pretty much brainless. That sounded harsh, I haven't watched a lot of kids movies this year.
The other kids movie I saw this holiday was Night at the Museum, which I watched again, and I have to say I like it much better than Bedtime Stories. It doesn't have that "talking down to kids" way of movie making.Robin Williams is actually quite wonderful in his role. Plus Dick Van Dyke and Mickey Rooney as complete bad asses: very fun. Then there are unexpected silly moments that just made me smile. I love that the museum monkey is not cute in anyway, but a real son of a bitch.
But with Bedtime Stories, it felt like Sandler and his Happy Madison production team gave me a Happy Meal movie to watch. Everything hit a mark, and made sure it had all the right ingredients for kids entertainment.Except it wasn't really great.
They got a cute adorable kid with a baby talk lisp. Check.
They got a cute funny animal, that will be relied upon for gags about every ten minutes so the kids aren't bored. Check, it's the big eyed guinea pig pet, Bugsy. And he burps and farts in a cute special fx way. [At least the museum monkey was knowingly screwing people over. Tree climbing bastard.]
Sandler is doing his usual lovable Joe Average type of role.
Almost all the adults are exaggerated and given their own gags, to make filler scenes funny. Like Russell Brand, who sucks by the way, is supposed to be the idiot sidekick that has a sleep disorder.What the hell? And poor Guy Pearce and Lucy Lawless;cast as the villains. They made Pearce into a foppish ninny. Dude! You're Ed Exley! You shot twenty dirty cops and took out James Cromwell! Now you're acting like Dr. Smith from Lost in Space. Arrgh. Oh, yeah, Jonathan Pryce as Sandler's dad? Sam Lowry is the father to Canteen Boy. Ack. Pryce must have signed some contract with Disney to appear in a number of their movies. The Pirates of the Caribbean movies and now this.
Then there's Courtney Cox, who really didn't have to be in this flick because she has about 15 minutes of screen time in this entire movie. But I guess since her character's an uptight health crazed prude, they wanted someone who's famous for playing a role like that. Sheesh.
Ok, I thought they did a nice job in explaining the kids' stories coming true, except for one scene which had my brother and I going "that was weird". And, the only big laugh from me was when Buzz Lightyear showed up on screen in a cameo appearance and some little kid in the front row screamed his head off in excitement, "BUZZLIGHTYEAR!".
Honestly, the parts that I really enjoyed were the opening and ending credits because they were a beautiful cgi animated storybook page design.
P.S.--while I was at the movies, I noticed some movie posters of coming attractions.
1.The latest Terminator movie, the poster looks cool and hey, it's an artwork design. Yay.
2.Dan "The DiVinci Code" Brown's scary looking "Angels and Demons": the book stank, the poster lies.
3.Will Ferrell in Land of the Lost: I am the target audience, and I'm very tempted. I wanna see Sleestaks!
P.P.S.---Happy New Year everyone!
Yeah, I've seen the trailer for this about a dozen times. Yawn.
But I bet Susie would love it.
Lori, at 11:07 PM
And wait a said Guy Pearce is in it?? How the hell did THAT happen?
Lori, at 11:08 PM
Actually, I don't know if Susie will love it. I don't recall the kids laughing their heads off when we saw it. But they weren't fussy and bored either. I think it might put her to sleep.
Yeah, Guy Pearce is the main baddie.
kegn_15, at 11:32 AM
Take Susie to see this POS... are you kidding?!
Her next trip to the theater will be for a big screen showing of 2001 if I have anything to say about it!
TheOneTrueGuy, at 6:10 AM
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