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So it looks like Indy 4 is officially back on, according to To quote Denis Leary..."this is gonna suck!"
Speaking of things that won't stay dead. Buffy season 8 will be in the form of comics and it will be out in March I think. Actually, I am curious to see this. It's the only Whedon show I followed all the way to the end--I even have the video game and it's taken me four years to reach the final level.
--[The Master just keeps kicking my ass and I have no health potions to stay alive. bastard.]
So I might as well continue on with Buffy & co, but I'm not much of comic book reader. I was disappointed in its last two seasons, and I'm hoping that Whedon will put some much needed attention on the show that that started it all, since he was focusing his time on Firely during Buffy's last years.

'Indiana Jones and the Guaranteed Suckage'...yeah, I'll be first in line for that. Idiots, man...the lot of them.
As for Buff---I heard about the comic thing a while back, I didn't realize it was going to be a continuation of the series, though. Maybe if this works out, Whedon can do one for 'Angel' and fix the mess he made out of that one, too.
Lori, at 9:29 AM
Indiana Jones and the Colostomy Bag of Ramses!
Indiana Jones and the Liver Spots of King James!
Indiana Jones and the Carbunckle of Pope Ignatius XII!
Indiana Jones and the Hairy Wart of Besty Ross!
Indian Jones and the Moldy Robe of Moses!
C'mon gang! Let's hear it!!!!!
TheOneTrueGuy, at 2:59 PM
Indiana Jones and the Shingles of the Moctezuma!
Indiana Jones and the Geritol of Albert Einstein!
Indiana Jones and the Zzzzzzzzzz...
kegn_15, at 8:09 PM
"Shingles of the Moctezuma!"
I love it! Maybe he could get Mad Mel to direct it with his Apocalypto cast.
And speaking of which, wouldn't you expect that any flick going by the title of Apoca-LIP-to would just HAVE to have ol' Nemo in it?
Just a thought.
TheOneTrueGuy, at 11:40 AM
Indiana Jones and Viagra's Womb!
Indiana Jones and the Big Why!
Raiders of the 10 Years Too Late!
Indiana Jones meets Godzilla!
Indiana Jones meets Short Round in 1950's China and kills the Commie Bastard!
Kraft Televsion Theater presents the Indiana Jones Family Variety Hour...
The Notorious Indiana Jones in The Bettie Page Whip Fetish Spectacular!
Orson Welles Eats Indiana Jones
Indiana Jones and the Search for Hitler's Brain
Indiana Jones IV: The Voyage Home
Indiana Jones Meets The Three Stooges
Indiana Jones Vs. Mothra
Indiana Jones and the Whipping of Orson Welles Fat Ass Adventure
Indiana Jones and the Whipping of Christ Adventure
Indiana Jones and the Search for Walt Disney's Head
Indiana Jones Meets Buckethead
Raiders of Denhlolm Elliot's Tomb!
Indiana Jones IV: The Search for JFK's Missing Brain
and ....
Indiana Jones Vs. The Black Neon of Death
I was going to say 'Indiana Jones and King Tut's Broken Hip' or something...but after Devo's far superior list, that probably sounds lame.
I vote for 'Orson Welles Eats Indy' or 'Indy Meets Short Round and Kills the Commie B*stard'! Yeah!
Lori, at 7:32 PM
"Raiders of Denhlolm Elliot's Tomb!"
I don't know why, but that's my favorite.
I'm picturing Denholm unleashing his supernatural fury for ruining his character.
and this...
"Kraft Televsion Theater presents the Indiana Jones Family Variety Hour..."
V.O. announcer : "Brought to by Kraft Macaroni & Cheese! Cheesy goodness for a cheesy movie!"
Orson Wells Eats Short Round
Indiana Jones & Orson Wells vs Mothra & Rosie O'Donnell
"Indiana Jones Vs. The Black Neon of Death"
Now that's a blast from the past. For those you who are reading at home and do not know what the Black Neon of Death is--- Guy & Lori's second car.
I think it was the second car. "Zippy" was the first right?
kegn_15, at 8:35 PM
and another one --
Indiana Jones and the Depends of Ponce de Leon
kegn_15, at 10:18 PM
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