
Wednesday, September 27, 2006

need to add

ok that was my first attempt at video updating.
had problems with the post

thanks to Johnny D for the tips. And to Ivan the Engine Driver for supplying the video on youtube.

About a minue into the video, you can see Keith Moon in his glory. I like to think that Moon was some sort of "Amadeus". Divine talent from God stuffed into a wacky little Englishman. Some of the moves he makes just don't look right, but it sounds awesome.

Now, can you picture Mike Myers playing Moon?

rockin n rollin and what not

Monday, September 25, 2006

forgot to add this one

i don't know what to say for this. so disturbing

**update 9/26**
ok, now I have a little more to say.This photo looks like it's their honeymoon photo taken at Disneyworld's Polynesian Resort. What's interesting is Ricky's face. I honestly believe he's the dominate one in the relationship. He wears the pants in the family, even if they are 3ft long.
"Woman make me a pot pie!".

oh I like the title too . "Trees talk too!"

---After you chop 'em down and make 'em into wooden people!


From this site:
"Really Bad Album Covers"

Satan's not dead, but he's not at all well.

Of course I had to put ManOWar

I have no idea what that thing is. It gives me the creeps

This could be Christopher Guest's next movie

Thursday, September 21, 2006

new who review

Thanks to Lori. Dr Who satisfies my geek sweet-tooth. [ Dr. Who, it's Snickers for geeks!]
First it was X-files and then Buffy. Now it's da Who man. To be honest, I'm wasn't that big a fan of Dr Who. I only knew one thing : Dalek. That's about it. I didn't even know the Doctor's supposed to be an alien. I had thought he was a human that was made into a Timelord. Uh -oh. Had it all wrong all these years. Exterminate! Exterminate!
Ah so what , Star Trek = Klingons & Vulcans. That's all I know about that show. Except for those hippy space aliens that jammed with Spock.
Anyway thanks to the wonders of youtube , I caught 3 episodes of season one and watched 3 episodes of season 2. I know I'm skipping around, but I was curious to see how the new Doctor eps turned out. They're a lot of fun. The new Doc is very different but just as fun as CE was. He's just different, but he's supposed to be I guess. Both actors seem like they're having a blast with the role, and that's part of my enjoyment with the show.

Every episode I've seen so far, I've had a good loud laugh at some point.
Example: 9th Doctor talking to Charles Dickens " Do the death of Little Nell. It always cracks me up".

and the show managed to make me jump at one scary scene. Big Points with me--since I was watching it on the youtube screen

If they can keep this show fresh and funny and have a decent 5 year run like Buffy, I'll be happy . Buffy's last two seasons sucked , but the first 5 were ok--and that's a lot more than X-files. Since Dr Who regenerates every couple of seasons , hopefully they'll be able to avoid some stale writing that X-files and Buffy had.

[ I know I was supposed to TREEAAAT myself to season one dvd today. But Tower had it priced at $90 bucks. Whoa. Looks like I'm a gonna Treeaaat myself over at Best Buy ]

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


This thing was in my living room the other night @ 11:30. It was BIGGER than the one in this photo. I could hear some banging around my window and some thumping on the floor , and it made me think some animal got in somehow. That's how loud it was. When I went to the living room to investigate --egads. Mutant Moth. Huge. Like it must have come from South Africa. Or was really Jeff Goldblum.

Monday, September 11, 2006


From a conversation that was brought up over the weekend -

Cool Tv Theme songs. In no particular order:

Hawaii Five -O
Speed Racer { Adventure's waiting juuust aheeaaaad!!!}
I Dream Of Jeannie
The Munsters
Miami Vice
Greatest Amercian Hero

that's all I can think of for now

p.s. I found Manimal and Automan on YouTube today

Monday, September 04, 2006


I spent several hours in the office today catching up on work. I tried to watch Hanover Street. It's got a pre-Indiana Jones Harrison Ford in uniform, Christopher Plummer, WWII setting. I thought I enjoy it since I actually liked Force 10 from Navarone. I stopped it after 30 minutes. I think the stuffy air in the building [ the air conditioning was turned off over the holiday weekend] might have contributed to my impatience.
Problems with the movie starting off before the actors appeared. The movie begins with a text scroll " It was a time when life was precious and death was close, sacrificies were made, love was deep and...." oh shut up!
Hokey opening : bad
Then the two star-crossed lovers run into each other on a city street. They argue, then flirt and then have coffee.Then Airman Indy asks British officer Lesley-Ann Down [Pillow] if he can see her again and she pulls some stupid Bronte Victorian Lady act " No no I musn't , no no I can't". Would you just tell him you're married bitch? What the hell?

So she runs away from him, around a street corner. Indy follows and then BLAM! Some building blows up and I'm like what the frig!? We only got 5 minutes into the movie! All of a sudden everyone's dying on the street.Indy is freaked out as he tries to find his lady. They find each other and embrace and I guess I'm supposed to think that they are IN LOVE now. Holy Hell that fast? That must have been some coffee.
Then Bronte gal stlll pulls away again with the Victorian act but then we find out she's married. Oh for cryin' out loud. Who the hell plotted this movie?

Later on we see Indy with his crew men getting ready to bomb some Nazis. Richard Masur is Indy's comedy relief buddy except he's not funny and he's not Sallah. Nothing against Masur but they wrote his character as a pilot bitching about how he hates to fly. Way to keep up morale. I would have punched him in the face.

I got to where Christopher Plummer shows up and stopped because it was driving me nuts. I think the rest of the movie will have a Casablanca scenario where Indy is going to have to save Plummer's ass and keep him & Lesley Anne Down [Feathers] together. I'll try to finish it this week, when the building is cooler.

So I watched a better movie instead--->
One of the best screwball comedies. Grant is amazing to watch as the easily flustered, uptight professor. He had such a way with deadpan deliveries and he, Hepburn and the rest of the cast overlap in the dialogue that it almost feels like it's unscripted. It certainly gives it a nice energetic and natural feel even though every major character is nutty. The director Howard Hawks went on to do a lot of great films that I love. His Girl Friday [ with Grant again]
Sergeant York, Ball of Fire [ a favorite of mine] The Big Sleep, Red River [ the Duke!] & Rio Bravo [ the Duke & Dean Martin! ]
I think I need to build up a Hawks collection for my dvd stacks
