new who review

Thanks to Lori. Dr Who satisfies my geek sweet-tooth. [ Dr. Who, it's Snickers for geeks!]
First it was X-files and then Buffy. Now it's da Who man. To be honest, I'm wasn't that big a fan of Dr Who. I only knew one thing : Dalek. That's about it. I didn't even know the Doctor's supposed to be an alien. I had thought he was a human that was made into a Timelord. Uh -oh. Had it all wrong all these years. Exterminate! Exterminate!
Ah so what , Star Trek = Klingons & Vulcans. That's all I know about that show. Except for those hippy space aliens that jammed with Spock.
Anyway thanks to the wonders of youtube , I caught 3 episodes of season one and watched 3 episodes of season 2. I know I'm skipping around, but I was curious to see how the new Doctor eps turned out. They're a lot of fun. The new Doc is very different but just as fun as CE was. He's just different, but he's supposed to be I guess. Both actors seem like they're having a blast with the role, and that's part of my enjoyment with the show.
Every episode I've seen so far, I've had a good loud laugh at some point.
Example: 9th Doctor talking to Charles Dickens " Do the death of Little Nell. It always cracks me up".
and the show managed to make me jump at one scary scene. Big Points with me--since I was watching it on the youtube screen
If they can keep this show fresh and funny and have a decent 5 year run like Buffy, I'll be happy . Buffy's last two seasons sucked , but the first 5 were ok--and that's a lot more than X-files. Since Dr Who regenerates every couple of seasons , hopefully they'll be able to avoid some stale writing that X-files and Buffy had.
[ I know I was supposed to TREEAAAT myself to season one dvd today. But Tower had it priced at $90 bucks. Whoa. Looks like I'm a gonna Treeaaat myself over at Best Buy ]
YAY!! I have a geek buddy! :D
Seriously, I wasn't really trying to convert anyone...a lot of my love for the new show comes from my love of it as a kid. But even if I'd never seen the old show, the new series is just so good that I thought anyone would get a kick out of it. But I'm so happy to have somebody to dish with now!
Speaking of which...I've been trying to be really good and not spoil myself by watching the stuff on YouTube. The only thing I watched was the preview for S2...which looks great. But I am a bit anxious about it all the same. I know Tennant's gotten only rave reviews for his performance, and I have to have faith that a guy who always wanted to play the Doctor ever since he was a kid would totally kick a** in the role. Buuuuuut...I have to say that I got really attached to Chris Eccleston. He was beyond awesome...gave the Doctor a sharp, dark edge to go with the quirks and the goofiness. I know a lot of the hardcore classic show fans really hated that...but I loved it. And I was so bummed when I found out he only lasted one season. But, well...he's gone now, and I guess all I can do is do my best to forget about it and try to love Tennant as much as everybody else does. Like the album says...50 Million Doctor Who Fans Can't Be Wrong.
And yeah, like you said...what really makes the show great is the writing. It's so sharp, and all of the characters are so rich and interesting. It totally fills in the void left by X-Files, Buffy and Angel...that unique mix of scifi/fantasy, angsty drama and sharp comedy that they all had...back when they were all still worth a da**.
So yeah. The Doctor still rocks. Glad you think so too. :) Anyway...NINETY bucks for S1?? Holy cr*p. I wouldn't have paid that either. That's ridiculous...NO DVD set is worth that much. Maybe you can try Amoeba, trade some stuff in, get it cheap. That's how I got mine.
If I don't talk to you before then, we'll have to dish the night of the premiere. :)
Lori, at 10:54 PM
No you didn't try to convert, I was just hearing alot of buzz on this. A guy I knew at work was downloading the second season right after they aired from the BBC. There's some hard core fans out there.
I see what you're saying. There are alot of fans who have their favorite doctors, and I agree CE has a cool darkness to him. I sensed "action hero" Dr Who from him. Can't miss it really with that leather jacket. He
[ + the show's creators] pretty much blew the dust off an old cult series and made it new and fun.
I also like the way they gave alot of background to Rose, and having the show's viewpoint from her. The thrills of space travel, and alien worlds through her eyes . Plus having her ordinary, low income family and boyfriend interact with the Dr. is a great twist.
I think DT is doing a great job taking over. He's got some familiar goofiness of the ol' DR--for continuity I suppose, the cheerful "Hello!" to any non threatening person he encounters.
But his quirks are much different and he's got a whole different kind of scary when required.
In some scenes I can see 'the alien' part of the character, which I really enjoyed.
kegn_15, at 12:29 AM
I've heard that Tennant's end is in sight already. The 3rd season's in production or about to air I can't remember which. I read that he's on for a fourth and then he's outta there. They're going through regenerations pretty quick...and if the writers stick to the few established rules (which they'd better or the diehards will eat 'em for lunch)...there are only 2 more lives left after Tennant. But I guess if it goes on that long, they're imaginative enough writers that they could come up with some way of extending that.
Lori, at 8:36 AM
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