This is a picture of raw food. Some co-workers and I went to a raw food restaurant last week. Too long to explain why.
With raw food they don't cook anything. Food is basically pounded and mashed with other veggies until it resembles paste. I had a "burrito wrap". Well the "wrap" is really a thick green bitter tasting leaf wrapped several times around the brown bean and nut paste. Some dressing was added to it but you can't taste anything because the bitter leaves are too overpowering.
So I unwrapped the leaves and just tried to eat the mush.
These were my thoughts of what it looked like:
1. Cat hairballs
2. Dried up sink gunk
3. Mother Abagail's poop. For those who have not read Stephen King's The Stand: in the book the 100 year old woman wanders into the wilderness for days, and nearly starves. The folks find her and put the dying woman to bed. It goes on to say that she's barely conscious and has a small bowel movement.The decscription of it says it's full of twigs and leaves.
and I couldn't believe that's what I was staring at it in my leaf wrap. Her poop.
that's when I decided not to eat anymore of the wrap.
Before I got there, I knew I wasn't going to really enjoy the meal, so I thought I was very clever when I ordered a chocolate shake, thinking I won't be starving if I have a decent shake.
Duh..raw drinks.
Not a shake. It's almond milk. Never knew almonds could produce milk. There's some dates and other stuff in it and it's like drinking chocolate flavored Metamucile
finally the guacamole dip and chips. The flax seed chips were not crunchy even though the menu describes it as 'surprisngly crunchy'.
No. They lied. It's chewy flax seeds . My dearly departed cockatiel bird loved flax seeds too.
Last thoughts about raw food: I know why man made fire. To cook this crap and make it taste better.