Spidey 3
Instead of seeing Hot Fuzz this past weekend, a group of us saw Spidey. By the way I owe $ for the ticket and forgot to bring Devo's birthday present. Happy Birthday Johnny D! From "Cheap Skate" Keegs
Anyway, I heard about the negative buzz this latest one is getting and I can't be on board with those disgruntled fans.I think I'm too much of a sucker for the Raimi & Maguire combination. If the movie was about Peter Parker delivering pizzas, I'd still watch it.
Although, to be honest, there were areas that could have been tweaked a little more. A plot point trimmed, a villain introduced a little earlier. Yada, yada. But I'm not a hardcore fan. I was there to have a good time and I did. Even though it was packed and some stupid kid in the row in front me was reading his %@#$ text messages throughout the whole film. That ignoramus with no attention span probably hated it.
So good fun film for me. James Franco [Harry] was definitely a highlight and had the best line:
Waitress: How's your pie?
Harry : Reaaallly gooood
It was all in the delivery, and classic Raimi.
Yeeeewwww cheeeeeeeeep b*******tch!
You're even cheaper than that animation!
Sounds too much like Buttman and Throbbin to me... too many villians.
I'll give it a try though. I'd love to be wrong on this one.
TheOneTrueGuy, at 3:39 PM
Well #3 is not as good as the first two but it's much much better than Schumacher's awful Batman film.
I also think it was way better than that Fantastic Four movie. That was incredibly bland fluff.
kegn_15, at 6:52 PM
We're actually gonna try to see this one...I'm just glad to hear it's fun. That's all I'm expecting at this point, since there are clearly way too many villains involved for it to be as good as it might've been. I was really hoping Raimi was gonna finish out the arc with just Peter/Spidey-MJ-Harry. That was plenty of story right there.
But whatever.
Lori, at 1:14 PM
Oh he does finish up on the MJ/Harry/PP thing
kegn_15, at 1:19 PM
It's Spideriffic!
"Oh he does finish up on the MJ/Harry/PP thing"
Okay, but what about the PP/Spidey/Gwen/MJ/Venom/EB/Sandman/Joxer thing?
Friggin' ghost of Schumacher... I see you skulkin' around behind that flat!
TheOneTrueGuy, at 1:05 PM
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