Thoughts on Robin Hood
This spoof by BBC comedy show Dead Ringers, comes close to my thoughts on Robin Hood.
Before I saw the program , I checked on TWOP to see what the reaction was. Most of the complaints were about the costuming. I decided to keep an open mind, but after watching the second episode [ the only ep. I saw so far] I was laughing at the costumes. The young Merry Men look like they should be at a Pearl Jam concert.
I feel like it's Robin Hood from the creators of The O.C. Where's McG's credit in this?
Still, this was fun as in "fun junk food tv".
I'm actually enjoying the show...I mean, Masterpiece Theater it ain't, but I'll take it over American Idol.
But that was some funny sh*t right there. 'I fear the sheriff has come to put a cap in yo' a**'...awesome.
Lori, at 9:55 PM
Oh it's more enjoyable than AI. Just that,some of it reaches levels of CSI: NY, if you know what I mean.
kegn_15, at 10:52 PM
kegn_15, at 10:52 PM
Its not bad but cant compete with the Disney live action version made in 1952. No not the awfull cartoon!
The film starred Richard Todd, Joan Rice and Peter Finch. I have started a blog about the much neglected film, the cast and the complex legend. Let me know what you think. Please let me know what you think!
Its at:
Clement Glen, at 2:27 AM
They shoulda gotten that freaky Peter Pan dude from the Internet to play Robin. The costumes not that dissimilar and he clearly enjoys the hell outta wearin' it don't he?
Maybe Chris O'Donnel (any relation to Rosie?) wouldn't have been bad either. After all, he has played a guy named Robin before!
My other choice would have been to replace the entire cast with the cast of the Star Trek: The Next Generation from the episode where they did their take on the Robin Hood thing. One of my favorite Next Gen moments-- Worf (dressed as Will Scarlett) grousing; "Captain, I protest! I am NOT a merry man!"
TheOneTrueGuy, at 12:00 PM
They shoulda gotten that freaky Peter Pan dude from the Internet to play Robin.---
I rather have the wizard with his Filet o'Fish from the Triumph sketch/Conan O' Brien show.
He doesn't creep me out that much.
Heheehee. He could just show up in Sherwood Forest with his Mickey D sandwich. "Robin, have you've tried the Filet o' Fish? It is most excellent. Huzzah!"
[that would be awesome]
Disney live action version made in 1952. No not the awfull cartoon!--
I'll check it out on the blog. But I actually enjoy the Disney cartoon Robin Hood because it's got some wonderful animation [Frank Thomas and Ollie Johnston]
Back in the day when it was hand drawn. Now it's practically an extinct art form, and there's real acting going on.Not the strongest Disney movie, I'll give it that, but it has it's moments. I love Prince John and Sir Hiss. I see so much of Peter Ustinov and Terry Thomas. Terrific blend of actor & animation
kegn_15, at 9:54 PM
"Duh...don't you worry, ne-vah feah, Ro-bin Hood will soon be heeeeyah."
Now if they had THAT in the Beeb's version, THAT would be some funny sh*t.
Lori, at 1:30 PM
Maybe the magic filet-O-fish dude can get onto the inevitable King Arthur show when this one does well.
And maybe they'll have enough of a sense of humor (or 'humour' in this case) to give him a Rottweiler to follow him around too!
TheOneTrueGuy, at 2:58 PM
"Duh...don't you worry, ne-vah feah, Ro-bin Hood will soon be heeeeyah."
How could I forget that classic :)
"Arise Sir Loin of Beef, Milk of Magnesia" --[my favorite scene]
and Errol Flynn/Robin Hood showing up at the end.
"Nah it couldn't be him!"
kegn_15, at 7:32 PM
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