Reality tv
I rarely watch reality tv. I avoid anything with contestants & judges, especially if contestants are singing and/or dancing.
Really, just bring back Battle of the Network Stars—and I mean real tv stars. Hugh Laurie vs. Jason Lee, that’s what I’m talking about.
Anyway, the only reality shows that I really enjoy are Landscapers’ Challenge & Good Eats.
Landscapers’ Challenge: I’m just fascinated by this show. Something about turning a crappy yard into a mini oasis is very appealing to me. Makes me yearn for a yard—and about 5 grand to hire someone to make it into something beautiful.
Good Eats: This is my favorite on the Food Network. Host Alton Brown is like the Gil Grissom of the cooking world. I actually retain the knowledge from this show which is a first, because cooking never interested me. I’m usually impatient when it comes to cooking and I really don’t have a gift for it.
But this show actually sparks my interest in cooking, and I think it’s because of the history and scientific breakdown of what the food is and what happens to it while it’s cooking.
Really, just bring back Battle of the Network Stars—and I mean real tv stars. Hugh Laurie vs. Jason Lee, that’s what I’m talking about.
Anyway, the only reality shows that I really enjoy are Landscapers’ Challenge & Good Eats.
Landscapers’ Challenge: I’m just fascinated by this show. Something about turning a crappy yard into a mini oasis is very appealing to me. Makes me yearn for a yard—and about 5 grand to hire someone to make it into something beautiful.
Good Eats: This is my favorite on the Food Network. Host Alton Brown is like the Gil Grissom of the cooking world. I actually retain the knowledge from this show which is a first, because cooking never interested me. I’m usually impatient when it comes to cooking and I really don’t have a gift for it.
But this show actually sparks my interest in cooking, and I think it’s because of the history and scientific breakdown of what the food is and what happens to it while it’s cooking.
Keegs, I disagree! You heat up a mean Pop-Tart!
TheOneTrueGuy, at 12:35 AM
Alton Brown rocks...Grissom with food is exactly what he is.
I have to admit being a sucker for stuff like Project Runway and Top Chef. I've also been watching Work Out...the soapy lives of cheeseball Hell-A trainers. Dog the Bounty Hunter's good for a laugh, too.
Lori, at 12:59 PM
Howzabout a Food Network version of Battle of the Network Stars?
I, for one, would love to see Emeril Lagasse gettin' his obnoxious ass kicked in a kayak or being dunked into a big vat of vinagrette (sp?)
TheOneTrueGuy, at 12:56 AM
You guys are watching old people tv....soon you'll get that funky old people smell....
better start watching "Hanna Montana" or "Punk'd" to get yo' selves hip again, dig it suckas....
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