The Grindhouse
Had a great time with this one. It's long [just over three hours] but it was worth it. The first one was Planet Terror. A zombie schlocky send up with a colorful cast.
Michael Beihn, welcome back! You were excellent. He says my favorite line in the movie.

After Planet Terror there were several hilarious fake trailers. My favorite was "Thanksgiving". There was one with Jason Isaacs, the Harry Potter baddie. Like I said--a colorful cast.
Finally Deathproof. Kurt's "Stuntman Mike" ranks right up there with Snake Plisskin & Jack Burton. My only major nitpick with Grindhouse is that Tarantino's script in Deathproof needed trimming. He does those dragged out 10 minute conversations of bullsh*t banter & pop culture references, when 20% of the conversation actually relates to the plot. Anyway, it was still worth sitting through it because his car scenes were amazing. Plus it was really fun seeing Kurt go nuts.
Michael Beihn, welcome back! You were excellent. He says my favorite line in the movie.

After Planet Terror there were several hilarious fake trailers. My favorite was "Thanksgiving". There was one with Jason Isaacs, the Harry Potter baddie. Like I said--a colorful cast.
Finally Deathproof. Kurt's "Stuntman Mike" ranks right up there with Snake Plisskin & Jack Burton. My only major nitpick with Grindhouse is that Tarantino's script in Deathproof needed trimming. He does those dragged out 10 minute conversations of bullsh*t banter & pop culture references, when 20% of the conversation actually relates to the plot. Anyway, it was still worth sitting through it because his car scenes were amazing. Plus it was really fun seeing Kurt go nuts.

Aw, come on! Spill! Did Kurt run Nemo over with the car or what??
Lori, at 8:56 PM
Lets just say she EATS A TIRE at 100mph in GRAPHIC DETAIL.....
Oh, man...sorry I missed it!
Lori, at 12:44 PM
But her airbags were already deployed weren't they?
TheOneTrueGuy, at 5:24 PM
The Nemo lips are 1000x larger on the big screen.
But they were no match against the Deathmobile. Heh heh.
kegn_15, at 7:10 PM
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