Batman begins

Well I finally saw this.I will say it's better than the Schumacher versions. Is it the best one? Maybe, although I think Burton's first film is a very close second.
The majority of the cast is top notch. They were excellent. Katie Holmes is the only weak one, and I don't think it has to do with the fact that she's Mrs. Tom Cruise. It's a role that any actress can fill in, and she just didn't make it special. Take Gary Oldman as Commissioner Gordon, now there's an actor who take a small part and make it special. Loved him.
Liked: That the city of Gotham is stylish but not too stylish or in your face, like Burton's or Schumacher's neon colored city Gotham.
Liam Neeson. Ok, there is where I am mixed on this. Liam was very cool but I'm not sure if I liked how this story turned out. I think it has to do with making Bruce and Gotham into a grand and gothic fairy tale, which I never really thought about before. Probably because I am not a huge fan, and there are different takes on Batman.
But it kind of hit me in the scene with Bruce, Qui-Gon, and the Secret Order of Shadows or whatever they called themselves. They talk about how Gotham needs to be destroyed. When did Gotham become a world wide symbol of corruption and the target of vigilante ninjas living in the Himalayas?
I always took Gotham as just a darker version of Chicago, and Metropolis was New York. Big cities with character that just happen to have superheroes living there,not the center of "all that is unjust!"
Not saying it was bad, but it did take me awhile to get used to the idea.
Other things I liked: The Bat-tank.Where can I get one? I can really use it for my drive on the 405 freeway morning rush hour. Also they needed more Scarecrow in this flick too.
Overall, I did have fun, and I am looking forward to Dark Knight.
When did Gotham become a world wide symbol of corruption and the target of vigilante ninjas living in the Himalayas?
OUCH!! You're so right, though...besides the supremely miscellaneous Katie Holmes, Qui-Gon turning out to be the baddie was probably the weakest part about it. But on the whole though, the flick rocks out pretty fiercely, I think.
I just can't believe it took a huge Bale fan like you this long to see the d**ned thing. That's amazing.
Lori, at 10:08 PM
"supremely miscellaneous"
Heheehee. Really got to remember that one.
I just can't believe it took a huge Bale fan like you this long to see the d**ned thing. That's amazing.
It's ok, "Baley" understands. We're cool.
kegn_15, at 7:59 PM
Oh suuuuuure, "Baley" understands.
But does Russel the Mussel? Watch out for flying phones!
TheOneTrueGuy, at 12:25 AM
Somehow I don't think it's gonna take you nearly as long to see 3:10 to Yuma! ;)
Lori, at 7:13 AM
keegs, i'll see yuma with you, bale is my kinda dude ;) remember him in empire of the sun?
Unknown, at 7:10 PM
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