Summer guilty pleasure

While my friend Lori has some top quality shows picked out for summer viewing on her blog, let me fill you in on this guilty pleasure if mine.
Bargain Hunt.
It's on in the early morning on BBC America. I can't stop watching. Two teams get @ 200 pounds each and go off and buy 3 items of some decent antiques, or junk depending on how you look at it.With the help of an antiques expert, of course.
Then they auction the items hoping to make a profit.
What tickles me is 90% of the contestants never win anything. If they do make a profit it's usually 20-40 pounds. Once or twice, a team will win a couple of hundred. But still, it's amusing to me that people would go to a lot of trouble of hunting and haggling with shoppers hoping to make a small profit in the end . I would get a headache.
But what I do like about it is that it's just like Good Eats.Junk tv that's informative. The experts on the show discuss the items that were selected and point out history behind the antiques, noting particular craftsmanship. Or lack of. Then they predict if the contestant picked a bargain. All this naturally sparks my Cliff Clavin love for useless knowledge.
Plus I love the host [pic above] David Dickinson and his style of clothing. He's lost somewhere in the late 70's. And I don't think he cares. Good for him.
Hey, man...ain't nothin' wrong with stuff like Bargain Hunt. In addition to all that other stuff I'll be watching, I'll also be riveted to the mostly vapid allure of Top Chef. Watching young hipster chefs jumping through hoops and giving each other verbal that's a guilty pleasure.
Lori, at 10:55 PM
we no longer get bravo & bbc america!! :(:(:( SOB!
but hell's kitchen has been my guilty alternative. i loved his show on bbc about how he goes inton this soon to be closing rest. and totally revamps them.
guilty pleasure when we DID get broavo:
top chef
project runway
the wives of o.c. (yeah i know...but my gf's in r.i. & ct watched and they "forced" me to!)
Unknown, at 11:45 AM
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