Amazon bigfoot?

Note! Picture above is a dude pretending to be a Northern Californian bigfoot. Not to be confused with this Amazonian bigfoot article.
Excerpts from New York times article--
The folklore here is full of tales of encounters with the creature, and nearly every Indian tribe in the Amazon, including those that have had no contact with one another, have a word for the mapinguary (pronounced ma-ping-wahr-EE). The name is usually translated as “the roaring animal” or “the fetid beast.”
Dr. Oren said he had talked to “a couple of hundred people” who had said they had seen the mapinguary in the most remote parts of the Amazon and a handful who had said they had had direct contact."
But all accounts agree that the creature is tall, seven feet or more when it stands on two legs, that it emits a strong, extremely disagreeable odor, and that it has thick, matted fur, which covers a carapace that makes it all but impervious to bullets and arrows.
“The only way you can kill a mapinguary is by shooting at its head,” said Domingos Parintintin, a tribal leader in Amazonas State. “But that is hard to do because it has the power to make you dizzy and turn day into night. So the best thing to do if you see one is climb a tree and hide.”
end of article.
My favorite is the last part. The best thing to do is climb a tree and hide, even though the beastie has the ability to alter time and reality, and maybe swallow you whole.
I thought only Chuck Norris had that kind of time/space altering ability. Hmm...wonder what would happen if Bigfoot met up with Chuck...?
Lori, at 12:07 PM
What's tougher... Amazon Bigfoot's carapace or Chuck Norris' beard?
My vote goes to the beard.
But if AmBig can really turn day into night then he truly has some strong mojo.
Or Juju.
Or... hell, whatever!
TheOneTrueGuy, at 5:11 PM
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