Daze..part 1
Warning: Fellas, don't read. The following subject deals with a pastime of many women [and some men].
I'm talking soap operas.

This past week I have been wallowing in the glorious hammy episodes of Days of our Lives & General Hospital, the shows that I grew up on and followed until my college years.Now the great internet has stored my favorite memories online.
The 80's were very special time for soap fans, it was in that decade that the "supercouple" was born and it changed the story structure to these shows . On GH it was Luke and Laura, Robin & Scorpio, Frisco & Felicia. Days had Bo & Hope, Patch & Kayla, Shane & Kim.
Each show had ex-government agents falling in love with the town's good girls, then somebody getting kidnapped by a presumed dead rich Euro-something super villain who is really the father of so and so in town. Evil Von Villain tries to kill everybody with his henchmen on his secret island. In the Days story, Hope was in a cage suspended over a vat of acid...A vat of acid. Can't get any better than that.
Actually, you can--because Kayla went deaf. Well, in another storyline, not on the island I mean.
I have to say that while I enjoyed some these supercouples, my real favorites were the villains. Like good ol' Scotty Baldwin below. The man was hated by most of the town, but he didn't give a s***. I always liked the smarmy way he dealt with people. You could tell that Scotty thought the town was full of imbeciles. He was right.

Never understood why Laura gave up Baldwin for this dude.C'mon he has a fro.
I'm talking soap operas.

This past week I have been wallowing in the glorious hammy episodes of Days of our Lives & General Hospital, the shows that I grew up on and followed until my college years.Now the great internet has stored my favorite memories online.
The 80's were very special time for soap fans, it was in that decade that the "supercouple" was born and it changed the story structure to these shows . On GH it was Luke and Laura, Robin & Scorpio, Frisco & Felicia. Days had Bo & Hope, Patch & Kayla, Shane & Kim.
Each show had ex-government agents falling in love with the town's good girls, then somebody getting kidnapped by a presumed dead rich Euro-something super villain who is really the father of so and so in town. Evil Von Villain tries to kill everybody with his henchmen on his secret island. In the Days story, Hope was in a cage suspended over a vat of acid...A vat of acid. Can't get any better than that.
Actually, you can--because Kayla went deaf. Well, in another storyline, not on the island I mean.
I have to say that while I enjoyed some these supercouples, my real favorites were the villains. Like good ol' Scotty Baldwin below. The man was hated by most of the town, but he didn't give a s***. I always liked the smarmy way he dealt with people. You could tell that Scotty thought the town was full of imbeciles. He was right.

Never understood why Laura gave up Baldwin for this dude.C'mon he has a fro.

ok, i was and still am never into soaps(except dallas). now davey here, he would watch them after school with his mom. she actually had a tea time, complete with snacks and soaps.
ok, from what i understand is that laura was raped by afro dude and then MARRIED him? WTF?
Unknown, at 10:02 AM
Like sands through the hourglass...so are the days of Keegan's lives.
Man, there was nothing like GH back in the day. When I got home from school, first thing I did was drop my book bag and plop down in front of the tube to watch. And half-days were the best 'cause it meant I could watch the whole ABC lineup. Me & my mom were pretty hooked...lot of good, cheesy-fun memories there.
Oh, and I hated Scotty back then like everybody else...but over the years and his many on-and-off appearances on GH, I've grown to appreciate him. He's cool.
Lori, at 8:54 PM
Gebby and I used to talk All My Children... and I used to watch Friggin' Dynasty....(don't ask)
There's that dude on Days Of Our Lives that ripped off Snake Plissken named "Patch" what a wienie....
As for GH I always wondered why AMC could never do that action stuff outdoors that I saw on GH commercials...
Also as for Luke and Laura, Luke was such an ugly dude,,,and didn't he RAPE her? Ahem, "Ravage" her?
....and John Stamos as Blackie!
Yeah, soaps are totally non PC about that. Depending on the writers, if they decide a bad guy needs to be the hero, they just have him feel bad about what he did and become a brooding twisted dude and soon he's a romantic lead.
I always loved Scotty, I just kept that secret to my self back then because everybody hated him.
As far as primetime soaps, I never got into them. I dunno, maybe the cheap production sets [being a daily program and all] help with taking in all that wacky drama.Easier to just go with it.
Devo -you and Geb watch All My Children? Now there's an image.
kegn_15, at 10:49 PM
Devo used to watch Dynasty...cool. Must've been those slap-fest, mud wrestling matches between Krystal and Alexis.
Lori, at 2:12 PM
I watched GH with My Mom in the 80's only because it was on when I got home from school. My favorite was when Luke was stranded on a island that housed the secret base of someone named Casadine who invented a formula called "Carbonic Snow" that froze anything (or anyone) that came in contact with it. He seeded clouds over Port Charles with it causing a blizzard in July. that's Drama!
Unknown, at 10:33 PM
Ah, yes...who could forget the Ice Princess?
Well, actually, I'm sure a lot of people could and have. But I'm glad I'm not the only one who remembers that nutty island storyline. With Liz Taylor as Helena Cassadine! Totally awesome!
Lori, at 5:23 AM
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