How well do I know my old hometown
My sister sent me this quiz. How well do I know my old hometown of Roxborough, one of the suburb communities back in Philly. I got 40% right , but I could have done better if I went with my gut instincts
1. What is the name of the weekly newspaper?
my incorrect answer-- The Roxborough Times
correct The Review
[ ok, I hardly read the thing. It was a local paper and the main articles went like this: "Manayunk Book Club has bake sale at St. Lucy's". Not that exciting]
2. Although you never need an excuse to party it up in the "Borough", What is the 1 unofficial party day of the year?
my correct answer- The Bike Race
[ I still have a Bike race t-shirt that reads "Rome.Paris.London.Manayunk."]
3. How many 7-Eleven's are on Ridge Ave from where the custard stands are, to Andorra Shopping Center..
correct answer-- 3
my answer--1
[Well, I only went to one growing up--a close one on the Ridge where I didn't have to cross the busy streets. Maybe they put in more..]
4. When you say you are going "Back the Crick (Really pronounced CREEK)", Where are you going?
a.The Towpath correct answer-Valley Green/Wissahickon Creek
c Dego Louie's
[heehee, totally forgot there's a place called Dego Louie's. Have no idea what the Towpath is]
5. If you are on "The Black Top", Where are you?
correct answer-- Roxborough High School
my answer-?
[ I never went to that school. In fact I was afraid of the kids who went there]
6. What used to be across the street from Hair Cuttery on Ridge Ave. about 20 years ago (around 1987 and before)?
my incorrect answer- Dunkin Donuts
correct-- Woolworths
[I should have said Woolworths, because I do remember it. One of my childhood playmates used to shoplift his Kenner Star Wars action figures there while I just mildy freaked out and watched]
7. How many movie theaters were in the Rox/Manayunk area in the 80's to the early 90's?
my correct 2
[can't forget the lice infested, butter grimy theaters]
8. Where is "Chubby's"?
a.correct --Henry Ave. incorrect answer -Main St
c.Ridge Ave
[ Never heard of Chubby's.]
9. What is the "Farm School" or as some might refer to it as "The Moo Moo" School..
my correct answer--W.B. Saul High School.
yes, kids learn how to take care of livestock at this school. Neat.
10. What street was the "sinking house" on? The house that had all the water around it..
a.Paoli Ave
b.correct answer-- Parker Ave incorrect answer-- Umbria St
I've heard of the sinking house, but no one bothered to take little me to see the house.So I got that one wrong.
1. What is the name of the weekly newspaper?
my incorrect answer-- The Roxborough Times
correct The Review
[ ok, I hardly read the thing. It was a local paper and the main articles went like this: "Manayunk Book Club has bake sale at St. Lucy's". Not that exciting]
2. Although you never need an excuse to party it up in the "Borough", What is the 1 unofficial party day of the year?
my correct answer- The Bike Race
[ I still have a Bike race t-shirt that reads "Rome.Paris.London.Manayunk."]
3. How many 7-Eleven's are on Ridge Ave from where the custard stands are, to Andorra Shopping Center..
correct answer-- 3
my answer--1
[Well, I only went to one growing up--a close one on the Ridge where I didn't have to cross the busy streets. Maybe they put in more..]
4. When you say you are going "Back the Crick (Really pronounced CREEK)", Where are you going?
a.The Towpath correct answer-Valley Green/Wissahickon Creek
c Dego Louie's
[heehee, totally forgot there's a place called Dego Louie's. Have no idea what the Towpath is]
5. If you are on "The Black Top", Where are you?
correct answer-- Roxborough High School
my answer-?
[ I never went to that school. In fact I was afraid of the kids who went there]
6. What used to be across the street from Hair Cuttery on Ridge Ave. about 20 years ago (around 1987 and before)?
my incorrect answer- Dunkin Donuts
correct-- Woolworths
[I should have said Woolworths, because I do remember it. One of my childhood playmates used to shoplift his Kenner Star Wars action figures there while I just mildy freaked out and watched]
7. How many movie theaters were in the Rox/Manayunk area in the 80's to the early 90's?
my correct 2
[can't forget the lice infested, butter grimy theaters]
8. Where is "Chubby's"?
a.correct --Henry Ave. incorrect answer -Main St
c.Ridge Ave
[ Never heard of Chubby's.]
9. What is the "Farm School" or as some might refer to it as "The Moo Moo" School..
my correct answer--W.B. Saul High School.
yes, kids learn how to take care of livestock at this school. Neat.
10. What street was the "sinking house" on? The house that had all the water around it..
a.Paoli Ave
b.correct answer-- Parker Ave incorrect answer-- Umbria St
I've heard of the sinking house, but no one bothered to take little me to see the house.So I got that one wrong.
Awesome. I still have to get you one of those inmate-orange 'Where the hell is Manayunk' t-shirts.
Lori, at 8:55 PM
Okay, you're spelling it correctly, of course, but isn't it pronounced "Roxburrah" in native Philly-ese?
And I was only in Philly for four years so I'm certainly no expert or anything but my natural wiseass instincts tell me that the "sinking" house would just have to be located somewhere near the "stinking" house (c'mon... there's gotta be one!).
Love those Philly suburb senses of humor, though (excluding the rich bastards who live in/infest places like Bala Cynwyd, or however it's spelled... maybe another 'd'?). New York/London/Paris/Manayunk; the "moo moo school"; too funny!
TheOneTrueGuy, at 5:18 AM
Oops, I meant "Rome.Paris.London.Manayunk."
TheOneTrueGuy, at 5:32 AM
Is that where the Turtle -camera guru (Guy's secret gay lover) Lew Tucker hails from?
So it turns out that I might be at 50% or 60% instead of 40%. My brother [the one who lives in Tenn. now] did the same quiz and he says there were two papers. So I was right on my answer.
Also the sinking house might be wrong. We think it was actually on Kieffer street which was my first guess but it wasn't listed.
Kieffer street was actually around the corner from our house. The house did sink, slowly over the years, from what I heard because the ground wasn't solid enough to support it.
I don't know about the full history. The houses were on a very steep hill and I heard the area used to be a golf course before a row of homes.
Weird, it was the only house on the block that was torn down. Not like the area was like the Malibu Canyons were it could suddenly slip down a cliff if there was a slight drizzle.
Anyway, I saw plot after they tore down the house. Never saw any water, maybe that part is an urban myth.
Yes Guy, in Philly-ese "creek" is pronounced "crick" and Roxborough sounds like "Roxburrah", except for the people who lived there like me who just said "Roxburr".
I think this is one of my most boring posts ever. [I sound like Cliff Clavin with this useless trivia ]
But that runs in my family.
kegn_15, at 9:29 PM
Forgot to add
I remember what Dego Louie's is/was. It's a small recreational park with a baseball field. The name was something like "The Louis R. Very-Italian-Long-Last-Name Park" where many youths [or yewts if your speaking Phillyese] would play ball during the day then drink beer and party at night.
But it was shorten to a politically incorrect nickname and everyone I knew [young and old, Irish & Italian] called it that.
kegn_15, at 9:40 PM
Yez guys is a friggin' rye-ette thayuh in Roxburrr! Ya knowzzat?
TheOneTrueGuy, at 4:50 AM
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