Keeg's horrible book review

I had picked up this book over the Christmas holidays to read during my airline flights. I also continued to struggle with it through out the rest of the year. Trying to read some pages late at night when I can’t sleep.
Well, I’m at chapter twelve and I can’t tell you a damn thing about the plot.
It should be an easy story. A very simple story for my feeble mind to enjoy.
But it’s not.
I was suckered in [again] to a crappy story. A monster mystery that promises to deliver the goods but then tries to be “edgy and intellectual” and I’m sorry, you can’t really go that deep when you’re dealing with creatures that run around and rip off limbs. Just my opinion.
This is how I fell for it:
On the cover are Egyptian hieroglyphics. I love a mummy story! Ancient curse, mummy reawakens, people die. Great ! Bring it on.
It’s set at the New York Museum of Natural History. Wonderful. Even better.
Now, there is a mummy… I think. Something woke up and killed a guy and another dude is very f***’d up but that was chapter six and several chapters later I’m dealing with a bunch of characters with these confusing strained relationships that I don’t care about. Also a brilliant former FBI man that’s rotting away in jail, framed of course, because his equally brilliant brother is an evil criminal mastermind.
At this point, I’m thinking “what the f*** is going on? What’s with the Hannibal Lector crap? Where’s the mummy?? Where’s the ancient text that needs to be decoded? Or the jeweled scarab that's hidden in some secret compartment of an artifact and holds power over the mummy?
As it turns out, this is a cloak and dagger story peppered with the supernatural trilogy for some key players. Unfortunately I just picked up the latest. I guess it’s like starting off the Star Wars saga with Revenge of the Jedi, and thinking the movie's about the Rancor.

I should have known better. This book is by the team that wrote “The Relic” which was turned into a turd of a movie that I secretly enjoyed BECAUSE: a monster was running around and ripping off limbs and stuff.
I remember dragging my friends to see it in the theaters. I still recall Guy and Lori D cringing during the movie. But I had to see it. Like Van Helsing. I recognize that I have a problem. And knowing is half the battle
That would be "RETURN of the Jedi"
C'mon Keegs!
And it's nice to hear your admission at the bottom. There's hope!
TheOneTrueGuy, at 3:34 AM
Does that mean I have to turn in my geek card for messing up on Star Wars?
I had it laminated.
kegn_15, at 4:33 PM
Naw... just fill in the following fake title. I'll even give you two tries. Here it is:
________ Harvest or;
Blue _________.
Get it right and we'll let you keep your card, lamination and all.
Get it wrong, though, and you'll sent to the spice mines of Kessel, smashed into who knows what?
TheOneTrueGuy, at 3:57 AM
The Harvest and Blue Lagoon?
Unknown, at 12:40 PM
that's me--keegs
Unknown, at 12:40 PM
Ugh....Try "WORLD WAR Z" by Max Brooks.
It's a badass book about the Zombie Apocalypse. Good, freaky stuff.
I 'm currently reading "Cell" by Stephen King another Zombie type end of the world, this time it's a pulse that's emitted through cell phones that turns everyone into rabid killing machines.
as for Star Wars...that's officially dead in my book after that last animated movie...Jabba the Hut's kid.. bleeeech.
Keegs, I was looking for "Children of the Corn IX: Reaper's Harvest" and "Blue Balls and the Philly Flash."
Off to the spice mines with ye!
TheOneTrueGuy, at 2:44 AM
Unknown, at 12:28 PM
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