8 crazy nights

I caught part of this today.I know my good friend Guy worked on this movie, way back, years ago. I think it's mentioned in chapters 15-20, "The Hell-A Years" from his upcoming autobiography "King Guy".
Anyway , I just like to say : Wow, you weren't exaggerating. It's really bad. Not just bad but amazingly bad. I think the worst decision was to make Adam Sandler do a voice for this character:

Holy cow, he's annoying. I can't even understand what he's talking about because Sandler's doing a very high pitched whiny voice.
It's the kind of voice one uses to tease their sibling with and then get punched in the face because it's so annoying. You can't use a voice like that for an animated feature.
I feel sorry for the folks who had to do the animation for this, and listen to Sandler's voice track over and over...ugh.
Wow Keegs,
You have the nicest way of bringing back all the proudest moments of my past!
My favorite moment working on this... flick, was the drawing someone did only a few days after 9/11 (remember that everyone? Are you sure?) of a desert town square somewhere in Afghanistan that had several turban-wearing figures running madly away from a bomb that was only a few feet from hitting the ground. At the front of the bomb was a cartoon of Adam Sandler's head and on the side was written: Another Adam Bomb.
How true. How true.
I actually saw the trailer for this turkey with a bunch of fellow trainees while at the Border Patrol Academy in Charleston, South Cackalackee. Even they weren't interested in seeing the piece of garbage and I'm pretty sure that I was the first person any of them had ever met that worked in the film biz.
Of course I don't know why that would surprise me, given that other than you, Lori, and John D.,none of my other friends from college had many kind words to say about anything I worked on (even Iron Giant).
I wonder why I got out of the business?
Sorry, I rant sometimes.
Probably the only thing I thought was actually funny about 8 Crazy Nights was Davey (Sandler) humping his POS car at the beginning and Whitey (Sandler as the deformed midget basketball coach) being covered in frozen liquified shit from an overturned outhouse and then being licked by a deer.
More quality stuff from Happy Gilmore folks!
Anyway, glad you... enjoyed(?) it.
Back to the serious business of harrassing nice people who just came her to better their lives now.
TheOneTrueGuy, at 12:51 PM
That really was a strange flick. Not in a good way, either. It just kinda made you go, 'I'm sorry, why is this animated?' Bizarre.
But hey, it paid the bills.
Lori, at 1:37 PM
Sorry if I brought up painful memories of this dreck. I do remember you telling me what it was like working there and I always used to picture you in some type of Nazi bunker for some reason.
It's a shame because there are parts in this flick that are interesting, and it seems it could be sweet with really good crude humor to make it unique and not "Disney" but damn, the "Whitey" voice is really annoying to me. Like listening to cats in heat.And I know what that sounds like.
All the blame goes to Sandler and his people who, I'm sure, said "no" to any decent constructive suggestions. It's obvious to me by just noticing that the dude did three voices in the film.
kegn_15, at 10:30 PM
You're right, Keegs... the raunchiness of it is the film's strong point. But every time it got fun (raunchy) it had to veer way over into cutesy/tearjerky Disney territory with Davey singing some mopey schmaltz about how he just wished his parents had lived and wouldn't it be great if everyone just, you know, understood him?
Vomitus Indomitus! That's what I says!
TheOneTrueGuy, at 3:39 AM
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