music interlude again: I love the 80's OR: kicking & screaming ,'cause I ain't leaving.
This was a big favorite of mine, as most of you know. I had the poster on my wall, a cool one with just Kiefer and his young minions. I had the book, even had a Teen-Beat rag mag about the movie. Now I have my cherished David doll.[thank you Eugene!]
This is my favorite track and better than the original Doors song in my opinion.
Sorry Guy, that oily bohunk with saxophone doesn't work for me but he is fascinating to watch on screen. Rachel Ray could probably make a mean dish with all that oil dripping off his body. You know how she cooks with "EVVO!", which I think is short for 'evil oil' and that dude's got loads of it.
I also think this would make a great flick for a midnight show, very much like the Moulin Rouge and Rocky Horror shows. I would definitely go. People could dress up like one of the Frog brothers, or one of the Lost Boys or anyone of the beachbum punks that get eaten in the movie... even the saxophone oily bohunk. People could have chinese food boxes during the "your eating maggots Michael" scenes. Could work.
And now, the ultimate cheeze from the movie, the video and theme of Lost Boys:
Good Lord look at the wardrobe. Looks like they went straight from a Duran Duran shoot to this one. I think a Pat Benetar extra got lost on that set as well.
and what's with the choir boy kid too?
One of the best lines ever written, brought to us by the fine acting stylings of Corey Haim:
"You're creature of the night! You're a vampire, Michael! My own brother, a godd*mned sh*t-suckin' vampire! You wait 'til Mom hears about this!"
Lori, at 2:33 PM
Methinks perhaps you've overestimated (or at least overstated) any fascination I may (or may not!) have had with one Mr. Oily Bohunk.
Just makin' that clear.
TheOneTrueGuy, at 3:55 AM
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