film review week #2
One of the perks at work is that my computer plays dvds. So I bring in my movies when I need to put an extra hour or two.
This week:

Originally I was a fan of this film because it has some Stephen King schlocky horror humor, like Maximum Overdrive--an underrated film. "We made youuu!"
But now, the reason I love Silver Bullet : the major attraction is not the werewolf monster. It's Gary Busey. He plays Corey Haim's drunken, unemployed, loud mouthed, slob uncle--and he's the "cool guy" hero of the movie. Corey plays a partially paralyzed kid with a nifty motorized wheelchair [what a spunky kid!] and Busey is his role model. Amazing.

Now with my dvd, I caught a lot of little jokes--which I missed in my ten year old video copy. Watch for Terry Gilliam in the scene where the crowd is following Brian. He's at the left side of the screen trying to keep up with Brian. But he's behind a blind man. What he does he do? He yanks away the poor guy's cane and pushes him to the ground.
This week:

Originally I was a fan of this film because it has some Stephen King schlocky horror humor, like Maximum Overdrive--an underrated film. "We made youuu!"
But now, the reason I love Silver Bullet : the major attraction is not the werewolf monster. It's Gary Busey. He plays Corey Haim's drunken, unemployed, loud mouthed, slob uncle--and he's the "cool guy" hero of the movie. Corey plays a partially paralyzed kid with a nifty motorized wheelchair [what a spunky kid!] and Busey is his role model. Amazing.

Now with my dvd, I caught a lot of little jokes--which I missed in my ten year old video copy. Watch for Terry Gilliam in the scene where the crowd is following Brian. He's at the left side of the screen trying to keep up with Brian. But he's behind a blind man. What he does he do? He yanks away the poor guy's cane and pushes him to the ground.
My fave moment from Maximum Overdrive:
(door slams open)
Drunken Fuck: What the... FUCK!... is goin' on!
Hee hee. Guy humor to be sure.
P.S. That's a quote, so don't slam me for foul language on a family friendly blog!
P.P.S. I love the German Leben of Brian poster.
Lori, at 12:24 AM
Make that "Das Leben des Brian".
Ve haff vayz uf making you loff.
Does English humor even translate into German? I mean, it's not like there're a lot of little things running around hitting each other... oh, wait. That was Napoleon in "Time Bandits". My bad.
Lori, at 1:08 PM
My favorite is the ice cream truck with the blood stains. Creepy ..but funny!
and does Yeardley Smith survive? I can't remember. Her role and her other one in The Legend of Bille Jean are practically the same. It's like her character in Billie Jean grows up, gets married, and then gets stranded at a roadside diner that's being attacked by possessed vehicles.
Evil :"Benson, I have to turn you into a dog for awhile"
Benson: "Thank you master!"
kegn_15, at 10:34 PM
"This ATM just called me an asshole!"
- Man at ATM (played by Stephen King, who also directed)
Yeardley Smith doesn't die, but my favorite scene is still the KILLER SODA machine that takes on an entire Little League Team after killing the Coach with 60 mph can of soda to his nuts, then to his head....Classic.
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