
Obi Wan shut down the power generator in my brain today, also threw in a jedi mind trick to boot. Bastard.
Actually , I took an allergy pill this morning. I should have taken it last night. The rest of the day I was pretty much a lump with lungs. 90 % of my day was zoning in and out of consciousness. The other 10 % was struggling to give off the impression that I was working. What a wasted day.
But I managed to put some effort for my next recommendation. Wire in the Blood season 4 begins on BBC America this week. They're very good movie miniseries. Based on a series of books by Val McDermid [which I read too]. I caught the first movie a couple of years ago , and was really impressed. It reminds me of Thomas Harris's Red Dragon & Silence of the Lambs. Only they don't have a star villian like Hannibal Lector. But the main character has some similiarities with Harris' Will Graham.
Shelley--avoid these. Not for you! :)

(That's the sound of Keegs powering down.)
I'll have to see if I can catch that movie...I keep forgetting that we do get BBC America.
Lori, at 9:37 PM
Hey "lung-lump"! You got the color of Obi-Wan's lightsaber wrong... it should be blue!!!!!
Y'know, sometimes I just sit back and think "holy COW I'm a dork!"
Sorry but I just had to beat Jonny G. to it.
TheOneTrueGuy, at 6:01 AM
hail to the dorks and our spawn!!!!!
Unknown, at 1:23 PM
kegn_15, at 8:03 PM
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