Late last night I saw a commercial for Barry's latest music. I'm pretty sure the man has had a face lift. His upper mouth did not move at all. It freaked me out.
photo from the official barry manilow merchandise site
my best friend's mom is still a huge barry fan. every time i'd go to their place after school(everyday), he was also was weird and creepy...
Yeah, Barry's been looking pretty botox-ed for quite a while now, hasn't he?
By the way...that live album was one of my favorite records to listen to as a kid. Singin' to the world...singin'...singin'... :)
Lori, at 10:52 AM
my best friend's mom is still a huge barry fan. every time i'd go to their place after school(everyday), he was also was weird and creepy...
Unknown, at 6:37 PM
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